Adult League Rules
Rules of Play:
Games will be regulated according to FIFA standards with the exception of the following items.
Running clock. No stoppage time.
No offside
No slide tackling. An indirect kick at the site of the slide tackle will be given to the opposing team. Goal keepers are permitted to slide in their penalty area only.
The ball is out of play when it touches the ceiling or net. The restart will be an indirect kick for the opponent from the spot of the last touching.
Forfeits and No Shows: In the event of a forfeit or a no show, the team responsible will incur a penalty of $150 ($100 to the opposing team and $50 to the facility). That penalty will be due before the next game. The team responsible will not be able to participate in further games until the penalty is paid. Failure to pay the penalty will also result in the team forfeiting each game until it is paid, being penalized for each week for a forfeit.
General Rules:
All adult games are played as 8v8 format (Except Coed Fridays 9v9). Any team failing to field a team of at least 6 players by the start of the game will automatically forfeit.
Guest players are unlimited.
Coed teams are required to have no less than 3 females on the field at all times if all 9 players are on field. This count includes a female goaltender. If team is down players, the max amount of guys on field for COED is 6 guys. In other words, to start a coed game if they are down players there has to be 5 guys and 1 girl or 4 guys and 2 girls or 3 guys and 3 girls to start the game.
Any game-day discrepancies will be handled by the opinion of the active manager.
Tie Breakers:
Main Sort: Puts the team with the most league points at the top.
Tie Breaker 1: Subtracts goals against from goals for and puts the team with the highest value at the top.
Tie Breaker 2: Puts the team with the most goals for at the top.
Cautionary Fouls:
All cautions (yellow cards) are a 2 minute penalty. Teams may NOT replace player on the field. If a goal is scored player can resume play.
Second caution within a given game will be considered a red card which incurs a 4 minute penalty and the team playing short for the length of the penalty. If a goal is scored by the opposition during the penalty time, a player can be put back on the field.
A straight red card is also a 4 minute penalty with the team playing short for the full 4 minutes regardless of how many goals are scored.
All penalties must be served with the player the opposite side of the field from the player’s bench.
Red Card Penalties:
1st offense: minimum 1 game suspension & $50 to be paid prior to next game, Unless a violent foul/fight was committed. Then, TBD by Evolution Sportsplex Management.
2nd offense: 1-3 game suspension minimum & $100 to be paid prior to next game, TBD by Evolution Sportsplex Management.
3rd offense: Ejection from remainder of season. Further consequences may be imposed upon players and will be determined by management on a case to case basis.
The league you receive a red card is what league you have to miss the following game(s) in. Example: If a red card is received in mens over 30, you have to sit the following mens over 30 game(s).
Management reserves the right to impose consequences other than those listed above based on the nature of the offense.
Red Carded players MUST leave the turfed field. They may not be on the field during the game play.
Common Courtesy Rules:
A player wall set up in front of an indirect kick must have a 7 yard buffer between the ball and the wall.
Substitutions are on the fly so long as the player is not directly involved in the play on the field at the time of entry.
Use of a ball to warm up in between fields on Field 1 and Field 2 is prohibited.
Players can use this space to run in only but may not do any ball work.​
Age Requirements:
All players must meet the age requirement for the league within the given play dates of the league.
Men’s and Women’s Coed: players must turn 18 years old within the 8 week time frame of the league of participation. No maximum age limitations
Men’s Over 30: players must turn 30 years old within the 8 week time frame of the league of participation. No maximum age limitations
Men’s Over 40: players must turn 40 years old within the 8 week time frame of the league of participation. No maximum age limitations
Teams found fielding players in violation of the league age requirements will incur the following penalties.
1st offense: Game forfeit
2nd offense: Team suspension of 1 game
3rd offense: permanent expulsion from the league with NO REFUND
Men’s Over 48: players must turn 48 years old within the 8 week time frame of the league of participation. No maximum age limitations
Teams found fielding players in violation of the league age requirements will incur the following penalties.
1st offense: Game forfeit
2nd offense: Team suspension of 1 game
3rd offense: permanent expulsion from the league with NO REFUND